Paid Social Media Ads

we do?

Paid Social Media Marketing Collingwood

You’re doing social media ads without a strategy? Tell me how great that’s going.
Now that I got your intention,…

Has the following scenario ever happened to you: you’ve talked to your friend about how you want to buy a new piece of furniture (or something else), but you don’t know where to look. Then, all of a sudden, you see a Facebook ad about a furniture store.

Well, while you might be surprised by it, we are not. That’s what we call great social media advertising.

Today, one person has five social media accounts on average, and we spend approximately two hours a day flicking through our feeds. That’s a lot of time for you as a company or entrepreneur to pop up on their screen.

We are X-Finity PRO, an SEO and social media marketing agency from Collingwood, Ontario. Together, we can develop social ad campaigns that will have people talking about you and you only.

Facebook Ads

When you advertise on Facebook, you get to tap into the largest audience available. The website has over two billion monthly users and probably the most developed advertising system. As such, it’s an unavoidable platform if you want your business to grow online.

Instagram Ads

While not as huge as Facebook, Instagram still boasts a huge number of users. On a monthly basis, there are over a billion active accounts, while more than 500 million users are active each day. That’s a huge pool to pick and choose your target audience from.

Different Approaches

Different social media platforms require different approaches, but the goal is pretty much the same. You do it to raise your brand awareness in your target market. A $5-per-day campaign can be incredibly effective if done properly, which is what we offer at X-Finity PRO.

Market Research

Before we start, we study the market and carefully determine the profile of people you are targeting. Then, according to your brand and your audience, we come up with a strategy on how to attract the people you want.

Clear Strategy

A clear strategy will give us a thorough plan on how we want to execute the campaign as well as what creative direction we want to take. Whether it’s a video ad or an engaging post, we are ready to take any route available to us!


Once the campaign is up and running, we’ll provide you with a report so that you can know exactly how successful we have been. Some of the standard metrics include reach, impressions, conversion rates, CPR (cost per result), CPC (cost per click), and so on.


We Have an Incredible Team of Experts

Some ten years ago, companies could rely on organic reach to do the job for them and get to enough people on its own.
However, the way Facebook and Instagram work nowadays, that’s impossible. Algorithms virtually force you to run a paid advertising campaign if you want to reach your targeted audience. That’s why companies all over the world have spent over $89 billion on advertising on social media platforms. That’s an insane amount, but you won’t have to get anywhere close to it!

Different social media platforms require different approaches, but the goal is pretty much the same. You do it to raise your brand awareness in your target market. This means that these ads will reach people who are not familiar with your company. However, these are the people who have expressed an interest in your industry or product.

So if you want to target people in the right way and get to them, you need to pay up. But, don’t be discouraged — a $5-per-day campaign can be incredibly effective if done properly, which is what we offer at X-Finity PRO.

facebook advertising

Advertise on Facebook

When you advertise on Facebook, you get to tap into the largest audience available. The website has over two billion monthly users and probably the most developed advertising system. As such, it’s an unavoidable platform if you want your business to grow online.
Before we start, we study the market and carefully determine the profile of people you are targeting. Then, according to your brand and your audience, we come up with a strategy on how to attract the people you want. A clear strategy will give us a thorough plan on how we want to execute the campaign as well as what creative direction we want to take. Whether it’s a video ad or an engaging post, we are ready to take any route available to us!

With Facebook, you can choose a variety of goals for your campaign. For instance, maybe you want to increase the number of your app installs, or you want people to visit your website’s landing page. Alternatively, you might want to show up to people who have visited your website before by retargeting them. These are just some of the examples of how you can set up your campaign.

Once the campaign is up and running, we’ll provide you with a report so that you can know exactly how successful we have been. Some of the standard metrics include reach, impressions, conversion rates, CPR (cost per result), CPC (cost per click), and so on.

Let’s Go to X-Finity and Beyond

We will build a strong social media strategy
As you know yourself, social media platforms are unavoidable nowadays. If you want to have any online presence whatsoever, you have to have a strong social media strategy.

Why shy away from it? If done correctly, you won’t spend a lot of money, and the rewards will be noticeable soon. And we’ll make sure that your campaign is top-notch!

  • Facebook Ads 100% 100%
  • Instagram Ads 100% 100%
instagram advertising

Advertise on Instagram

While not as huge as Facebook, Instagram still boasts a huge number of users. On a monthly basis, there are over a billion active accounts, while more than 500 million users are active each day. That’s a huge pool to pick and choose your target audience from. We will optimize your spending by making tailored targeting. This can include demographics, location, interest, behaviours, and many other aspects, according to which we will choose your ideal customer.
With Instagram ads, it’s crucial to know what your short- and long-term goals are. There are three main objectives you can have — awareness, consideration, and conversion. The first step is about getting your name out there. You may go for a broad reach, or you may target people who are specifically interested in what you do — it’s up to you.

Then, consideration comes into play. You don’t want your audience to follow your account and never visit it again. Instead, you want to create some sort of engagement, whether it’s commenting on your posts or visiting your website.

Finally, there’s conversion. That is when you target people who already know about you and what you offer. Depending on your needs, this can be about getting them to visit your website or make a purchase. Either way, we will be in charge of the campaign from start to finish, making sure you get the best value for your money.

Get in touch

We’ll let you work on your business side of things without having to worry about dealing with your social media accounts and interacting with customers through them.

As we work together, your goal will become our goal, and we’ll make sure that people who need to know about you learn about you.

Don’t hesitate to contact us or check the other services we offer; let’s start working together now!

Collingwood, ON


103 Plewes Dr.
Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3B7


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